Event n°07 - October 2017 – Workshop on the Macroeconomic Dimensions of Aging

In collaboration with the CIRANO, the Chair is organizing a workshop entitled Facing Demographic Change in a Challenging Economic Environment. The event will bring together speakers from North America and overseas, invited by professors Hafedh Bouakez (HEC Montréal), Raquel Fonseca (ESG UQAM) and Kevin Moran (Université Laval).

When: Friday October 27, 2017, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Where: Le Saint Sulpice Hôtel Montréal (Salon Le Moyne-LeBer, 414 Saint-Sulpice Street)

Further informations availaible on CIRANO’s website.

Raquel Fonseca
Raquel Fonseca
Head and Professor of the Department of Economics

My research interests include Macroeconomics and Applied Econometrics, Health Economics, Pension Systems, Retirement and Aging, Poverty, Entrepreneurship, Labor Markets.