Ongoing research

Papers under review

Fonseca, R., Diwambuena, J. and Schubert, S. (2023). Labor Market Institutions, Productivity, and the Business Cycle: An Application to Italy. Presented at Summer School Barcelona. 2023 CREEi working paper. R&R.

Other documents - Work in progress

Fonseca, R., Dufour, H. and Lalé, E. (2021). The Recent Evolution of Lifecycle Wage Profiles in Canada and The United States. Mimeo 2021.

Fonseca, R. and Quadrini, V. (2021). Health Insurance and Entrepreneurship. Presented at the World Econometric Conference, 2015, mimeo. 2021.

Fonseca, R., Delacroix, A., Poschke, M and Sevcik, P. (2021). The Cyclical Dynamics of Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment. Presented at the CEA, Ottawa. Mimeo 2021.

Fonseca, R., Delacroix, A. and Elitcha, K. (2021). Occupational Choice in a Model with Firing Tax and Business Start-up Costs. Mimeo 2021.

Fonseca, R., Boccanfuso, D. and Cousineau, J-M. (2020) Guaranteed Minimum Income: the case of Quebec. Working paper 20-05, July 2020.

Fonseca, R., Lord Simon, Parker C.S. (2020). Self-Employed at Older Ages in Canada. CIRANO Working paper,, UQAM econ. dept., 2020.

Fonseca, R., Adeline, A., Choinière Crèvecoeur, I. and Michaud, P-C. (2019). Income Volatility, Health and Well-being. CIRANO Working paper,, UQAM econ. dept. 2019.

Fonseca, R., de Bresser, J. and Michaud, P-C. (2016). Retirement Behavior in the U.S. and Europe. Presented at The Evaluation and Design of Retirement and Savings Programs, CIRANO and CEDIA. 2016.

Fonseca, R. and Christelis, D. (2020) Labor Market Policies and Self-employment Transitions of Older Workers. CIRANO and CEDIA Working Paper.