
Event n°01 - October 2022 - Workshop on Economic Challenges of Demographic Inequalities

This workshop, organized by Raquel Fonseca (ESG-UQAM and CIRANO) and Marie-Louise Leroux (ESG-UQAM and CIRANO), was on research related to the economic challenges of demographic inequalities. The presentations were related to gender inequalities, intergenerational inequalities, income and wealth inequalities, and health inequalities.

Event n°02 - April 2020 – Workshop on Labor Market in an Aging World

In collaboration with the CIRANO, Retraite Québec and the FRQSC, the Research Chair in Intergenerational Economics is organizing a workshop during which six speakers from Canada, the U.S. and overseas will discuss issues related to the transformation of the job market in the context of an aging population.

Event n°03 - November 2019 – Joint Montreal Macro Brownbag Workshop

The Joint Montreal Macro Brownbag gives Montreal-based researchers in macroeconomics the opportunity to meet and discuss each others’ work. The event brings together researchers from all economics departments in Montreal and promotes their collaboration.

Event n°04 - April 2019 – Joint Montreal Macro Brownbag Workshop

The Joint Montreal Macro Brownbag gives Montreal-based researchers in macroeconomics the opportunity to meet and discuss each others’ work. The event brings together researchers from all economics departments in Montreal and promotes their collaboration.

Event n°05 - April 2018 – Joint Montreal Macro Brownbag Workshop

The Joint Montreal Macro Brownbag gives Montreal-based researchers in macroeconomics the opportunity to meet and discuss each others’ work. The event brings together researchers from all economics departments in Montreal and promotes their collaboration.

Event n°06 - December 2017 – Joint Montreal Macro Brownbag Workshop

The Joint Montreal Macro Brownbag gives Montreal-based researchers in macroeconomics the opportunity to meet and discuss each others’ work. The event brings together researchers from all economics departments in Montreal and promotes their collaboration.

Event n°07 - October 2017 – Workshop on the Macroeconomic Dimensions of Aging

In collaboration with the CIRANO, the Chair is organizing a workshop entitled Facing Demographic Change in a Challenging Economic Environment. The event will bring together speakers from North America and overseas, invited by professors Hafedh Bouakez (HEC Montréal), Raquel Fonseca (ESG UQAM) and Kevin Moran (Université Laval).

Event n°08 - May 2017 – Montreal Workshop on Markets with Frictions

The focus of the workshop is new research, both theoretical and applied, focusing on markets where frictions, broadly defined, are present, such as e.g. labor market or product markets to name a few.

Event n°09 - December 2016 – Future Well-Being of the Elderly Conference

Around the world, the economic conditions of the elderly are changing rapidly. On one hand, we are seeing the new elderly reach retirement with significant financial assets, in particular among households where both spouses have extensive labor market experience.